Assessment Tools

Shany, M., Lachman, D., Shalem, Z., Bahat, A., & Zeiger, T. (2003). “Ma’akav”Current mapping of reading and writing based on national Israeli norms. Tel Aviv: Yesod Publishing.

Shany, M., Lachman, D., Shalem, Z., Bahat, A., & Zeiger, T. (2006). "Aleph-Taph" – A test for the diagnosis of reading and writing disabilities, based on national Israeli norms. Tel Aviv: Yesod Publishing.


Assadi, I, Shany, M., Ben-Simon, A., & Ibrahim, R. (2016). " لغة ُ القراءةِ" ("Lorat Elkeraa", The Language of Reading).

Lorat Elkeraa

Ben Simon, A., Shany, M., & Cohen, Y. (2005). Reading achievement test for the first grade in Israel. The National Institute for Testing & Evaluation and the Office of the Chief Scientist, Ministry of Education

Ben Simon, A., Shany, M., & Cohen, Y. (2006). Reading achievement test for the second grade in Israel. The National Institute for Testing & Evaluation and the Office of the Chief Scientist, Ministry of Education